Dijital Dönüşüm

Manage Your Future

About the Project

Manage Your Future Now Project aims to raise the awareness of youth and SMEs of financial risks. The project, which was implemented in partnership with Experian Turkey and Habitat Association, focused on university students in the first stage and played an important role in raising the awareness of young people on credit risks, responsible borrowing and budget planning. A total of 18,000 young people were reached through peer trainings organized by volunteer trainers and university seminars held by experts working in Experian Turkey. In its second phase, the project focused on SMEs, young and female entrepreneurs to specialize in calculable risk, credit risks, responsible borrowing, effective management of their relations with banks and actors in the financial sector, and financial management.

  • Youth
  • Youth Entreprenours and Women Entreprenours
  • SME
  • Habitat Assosation
  • Experian Turkey
  • Manage of Financial Risks
  • 81 Cities
  • 2012 – 2022