In cooperation of Habitat Association, ING Turkey and METU and with support of ILKSAN (Primary School Teachers Health and Social Aid Fund), The Digital Teachers Project has been actualized. The project, aiming at supporting the digital transformation in Turkey, making teachers have equal digital skills and improving their digital competencies, started to accept applications in October. It is targeted to make teachers and students be parts of the digital transformation by means of particular trainings, that 1000 primary and secondary school teachers from İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Ağrı, Kahramanmaraş, Adana, Samsun, Gaziantep and Erzurum will able to participate. The curriculum of the project, targeting to ensure the equality of regional digital capability by means of the teachers who get a training from the Digital Teachers Project and convey the same training to the students in their locals, contains the following topics: “Digital Citizenship and Security” including informatics ethics, security, protection of personal data, digital health, digital commerce; “Critical Thinking and Assesment&Evaluation” that will be told by Web 2.0 applications; and “Creativity and Graphic Design” including infographic, video, photo creation and editing, and preparing an effective presentation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]